Information for editors

Role and Responsibilities

To ensure the efficient management of the editorial process and maintain high standards of publication quality, Humapub provides a range of editorial tools and resources. These tools support editors, reviewers, and authors throughout the manuscript submission, review, and publication processes.

1. Manuscript Management System (Open Journal System - OJS)

  • Online Submission System
    • A user-friendly platform for authors to submit manuscripts, track progress, and communicate with the editorial team.
    • Features include automated submission checks, file uploads, and detailed submission guidelines.
  • Editorial Workflow Management
    • An integrated system that streamlines the editorial workflow from submission to publication.
    • Enables editors to assign reviewers, monitor review progress, and make editorial decisions efficiently.
  • Reviewer Management
    • Tools for identifying, inviting, and managing reviewers.
    • Allows editors to track reviewer performance, availability, and history of reviews.

2. Plagiarism Detection Tools

  • Plagiarism Screening Software
    • Industry-standard software to check for plagiarism and ensure the originality of submissions.
    • Provides detailed reports highlighting potential instances of plagiarism, which editors can use to make informed decisions.
  • Ethical Compliance Checks
    • Tools to ensure manuscripts comply with ethical standards, including checks for duplicate submissions and redundant publications.

3. Statistical and Data Analysis Tools

  • Statistical Review Resources
    • Access to statistical tools and resources to help reviewers and editors evaluate the robustness of statistical analyses in submitted manuscripts.
    • Guidelines for common statistical practices and interpretation of results.
  • Data Integrity Verification
    • Tools for verifying the accuracy and integrity of reported data, including checks for data fabrication and falsification.

4. Style and Formatting Guidelines

  • Author Guidelines
    • Comprehensive guidelines for authors on manuscript preparation, including formatting, referencing, and submission requirements.
    • Templates and checklists to ensure submissions meet Humapub’s standards.
  • Editing and Proofreading Tools
    • Automated tools for checking grammar, spelling, and formatting consistency.
    • Resources for editors and proofreaders to ensure manuscripts are polished and publication-ready.

5. Reviewer Tools and Resources

  • Reviewer Guidelines
    • Detailed guidelines to help reviewers provide constructive, thorough, and objective reviews.
    • Tips on how to evaluate different sections of a manuscript and provide balanced feedback.
  • Training and Development
    • Access to training materials and webinars to help reviewers improve their reviewing skills.
    • Opportunities for professional development and recognition of outstanding reviewers.

6. Editorial Best Practices

  • Editorial Policies and Guidelines
    • Clearly defined editorial policies to ensure consistency and fairness in the editorial process.
    • Best practices for handling conflicts of interest, ethical issues, and editorial decisions.
  • Ethics and Integrity Resources
    • Resources on publication ethics, including COPE guidelines and case studies.
    • Tools for managing ethical issues, such as conflicts of interest and research misconduct.

7. Communication and Collaboration Tools

  • Internal Communication Platform
    • Secure communication tools for editors, reviewers, and authors to discuss manuscripts and editorial decisions.
    • Features for tracking correspondence and ensuring clear communication throughout the review process.
  • Collaborative Editing
    • Tools for collaborative editing and decision-making among editorial board members.
    • Platforms for sharing comments, suggestions, and decisions in real time.

8. Performance Metrics and Reporting

  • Journal Metrics
    • Tools for tracking journal performance metrics, such as impact factor, citation rates, and submission statistics.
    • Dashboards for monitoring editorial efficiency, reviewer performance, and publication timelines.
  • Reporting and Analytics
    • Access to detailed reports and analytics on manuscript submissions, reviewer activity, and publication outcomes.
    • Tools for identifying trends, areas for improvement, and strategic planning.

9. Support and Training

  • Editorial Support
    • Dedicated support team to assist editors with technical issues, manuscript management, and editorial queries.
    • Helpdesk and FAQ resources for quick reference and troubleshooting.
  • Training Programs
    • Ongoing training programs for editors to stay updated on best practices, new tools, and emerging trends in academic publishing.
    • Workshops, webinars, and online courses covering various aspects of the editorial process.

Manuscript Handling

1. Initial Submission and Screening

  • Submission Process
    • Manuscripts must be submitted through Humapub’s online submission system.
    • Authors should ensure that their submissions comply with the journal’s format and style guidelines.
  • Initial Screening (Pre-Editorial Review)
    • Upon submission, manuscripts undergo an initial screening by the editorial team to ensure they meet the basic requirements and fit within the journal's scope.
    • Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines or are outside the scope of the journal may be desk-rejected.
  • Plagiarism Check
    • All manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using industry-standard software to ensure originality.
    • Manuscripts with significant plagiarism issues will be rejected outright.

2. Peer Review Process

  • Reviewer Selection
    • The editor selects appropriate peer reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.
    • A double-blind review process is employed to maintain the anonymity of both authors and reviewers.
  • Review Invitation
    • Invited reviewers are given a set timeframe, typically two to four weeks, to accept or decline the invitation.
    • If a reviewer declines, alternative reviewers are promptly invited.
  • Review Process
    • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript on criteria such as originality, methodology, significance, and clarity.
    • Reviews should be thorough, objective, and constructive, providing clear feedback for authors to improve their work.
  • Reviewer Feedback
    • Reviewers submit their feedback through the online system, including recommendations for acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
    • Reviewers should also highlight any ethical concerns or potential conflicts of interest.

3. Editorial Decision

  • Assessing Reviews
    • The editor assesses the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, considering the manuscript's strengths and weaknesses.
    • The editor may seek additional reviews if necessary to reach a decision.
  • Decision Categories
    • Accept: The manuscript is accepted as it stands.
    • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor changes; authors are given a set period to make revisions.
    • Major Revisions: Significant changes are needed; the manuscript may be sent back to reviewers for a second round of evaluation after revision.
    • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in its current form.
  • Communicating Decisions
    • Authors are promptly informed of the editorial decision along with the reviewers' comments and any additional feedback from the editor.
    • Constructive feedback is provided to help authors improve their manuscript, regardless of the decision.

4. Revision and Resubmission

  • Minor Revisions
    • Authors are given a specific timeframe to make minor revisions.
    • The revised manuscript is reviewed by the editor to ensure all comments have been addressed.
  • Major Revisions
    • Authors are given a longer period to address major revisions.
    • The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers or new reviewers for further evaluation.
  • Final Acceptance
    • Once all revisions are satisfactorily completed, the manuscript is accepted for publication.
    • Authors are notified of the acceptance and provided with the next steps for publication.

5. Production and Publication

  • Copyediting and Proofreading
    • Accepted manuscripts undergo copyediting to correct grammatical, punctuation, and formatting errors.
    • Authors receive proofs for final review to ensure accuracy before publication.
  • Typesetting and Layout
    • The manuscript is typeset and formatted according to the journal’s style.
    • Any final corrections are made at this stage.
  • Online Publication
    • The final version of the manuscript is published online, with DOI assignment for permanent identification.
    • The publication is indexed and made accessible through various academic databases.

6. Post-Publication

  • Corrections
    • Any errors identified post-publication are corrected promptly, and a correction notice is published.
    • Authors and readers are encouraged to report any errors they identify.
  • Retractions
    • In cases of significant errors or ethical breaches, the manuscript may be retracted following COPE guidelines.
    • Retraction notices are clearly indicated and linked to the original publication.

By adhering to this detailed manuscript handling process, Humapub ensures a rigorous, transparent, and ethical approach to academic publishing, maintaining high standards and fostering trust within the scholarly community.

Editorial Tools and Resources

To ensure the efficient management of the editorial process and maintain high standards of publication quality, Humapub provides a range of editorial tools and resources. These tools support editors, reviewers, and authors throughout the manuscript submission, review, and publication processes.

1. Manuscript Management System (Open Journal System - OJS)

  • Online Submission System
    • A user-friendly platform for authors to submit manuscripts, track progress, and communicate with the editorial team.
    • Features include automated submission checks, file uploads, and detailed submission guidelines.
  • Editorial Workflow Management
    • An integrated system that streamlines the editorial workflow from submission to publication.
    • Enables editors to assign reviewers, monitor review progress, and make editorial decisions efficiently.
  • Reviewer Management
    • Tools for identifying, inviting, and managing reviewers.
    • Allows editors to track reviewer performance, availability, and history of reviews.

2. Plagiarism Detection Tools

  • Plagiarism Screening Software
    • Industry-standard software to check for plagiarism and ensure the originality of submissions.
    • Provides detailed reports highlighting potential instances of plagiarism, which editors can use to make informed decisions.
  • Ethical Compliance Checks
    • Tools to ensure manuscripts comply with ethical standards, including checks for duplicate submissions and redundant publications.

3. Statistical and Data Analysis Tools

  • Statistical Review Resources
    • Access to statistical tools and resources to help reviewers and editors evaluate the robustness of statistical analyses in submitted manuscripts.
    • Guidelines for common statistical practices and interpretation of results.
  • Data Integrity Verification
    • Tools for verifying the accuracy and integrity of reported data, including checks for data fabrication and falsification.

4. Style and Formatting Guidelines

  • Author Guidelines
    • Comprehensive guidelines for authors on manuscript preparation, including formatting, referencing, and submission requirements.
    • Templates and checklists to ensure submissions meet Humapub’s standards.
  • Editing and Proofreading Tools
    • Automated tools for checking grammar, spelling, and formatting consistency.
    • Resources for editors and proofreaders to ensure manuscripts are polished and publication-ready.

5. Reviewer Tools and Resources

  • Reviewer Guidelines
    • Detailed guidelines to help reviewers provide constructive, thorough, and objective reviews.
    • Tips on how to evaluate different sections of a manuscript and provide balanced feedback.
  • Training and Development
    • Access to training materials and webinars to help reviewers improve their reviewing skills.
    • Opportunities for professional development and recognition of outstanding reviewers.

6. Editorial Best Practices

  • Editorial Policies and Guidelines
    • Clearly defined editorial policies to ensure consistency and fairness in the editorial process.
    • Best practices for handling conflicts of interest, ethical issues, and editorial decisions.
  • Ethics and Integrity Resources
    • Resources on publication ethics, including COPE guidelines and case studies.
    • Tools for managing ethical issues, such as conflicts of interest and research misconduct.

7. Communication and Collaboration Tools

  • Internal Communication Platform
    • Secure communication tools for editors, reviewers, and authors to discuss manuscripts and editorial decisions.
    • Features for tracking correspondence and ensuring clear communication throughout the review process.
  • Collaborative Editing
    • Tools for collaborative editing and decision-making among editorial board members.
    • Platforms for sharing comments, suggestions, and decisions in real time.

8. Performance Metrics and Reporting

  • Journal Metrics
    • Tools for tracking journal performance metrics, such as impact factor, citation rates, and submission statistics.
    • Dashboards for monitoring editorial efficiency, reviewer performance, and publication timelines.
  • Reporting and Analytics
    • Access to detailed reports and analytics on manuscript submissions, reviewer activity, and publication outcomes.
    • Tools for identifying trends, areas for improvement, and strategic planning.

9. Support and Training

  • Editorial Support
    • Dedicated support team to assist editors with technical issues, manuscript management, and editorial queries.
    • Helpdesk and FAQ resources for quick reference and troubleshooting.
  • Training Programs
    • Ongoing training programs for editors to stay updated on best practices, new tools, and emerging trends in academic publishing.
    • Workshops, webinars, and online courses covering various aspects of the editorial process.

Best Practices

To ensure the highest standards of quality, integrity, and efficiency in our publications, Humapub adheres to best practices in editorial processes. These practices guide our editors, reviewers, and authors in their roles and responsibilities, ensuring a fair, transparent, and ethical publishing environment.

1. Transparent Editorial Policies

  • Clear Guidelines and Policies
    • Author Guidelines: Provide comprehensive, clear, and accessible guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission.
    • Reviewer Guidelines: Outline expectations for peer reviewers, including criteria for evaluating manuscripts and providing constructive feedback.
    • Editorial Policies: Publish detailed policies on submission, review, ethical standards, conflicts of interest, and appeals.
  • Open Communication
    • Maintain open and transparent communication channels between editors, authors, and reviewers.
    • Clearly communicate editorial decisions and the reasons behind them to authors.

2. Rigorous Peer Review

  • Double-Blind Review
    • Employ a double-blind review process to ensure impartiality and reduce bias.
    • Ensure that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process.
  • Reviewer Selection
    • Select reviewers based on their expertise, objectivity, and ability to provide thorough and constructive feedback.
    • Maintain a diverse pool of reviewers to ensure a wide range of perspectives and expertise.
  • Timely and Constructive Feedback
    • Encourage reviewers to provide feedback within a specified timeframe to maintain the efficiency of the editorial process.
    • Ensure that feedback is constructive, respectful, and aimed at improving the manuscript.

3. Ethical Standards and Integrity

  • Plagiarism Detection
    • Use industry-standard plagiarism detection software to screen all submissions for originality.
    • Take appropriate action against manuscripts with significant plagiarism issues.
  • Ethical Compliance
    • Ensure all research involving human subjects, animals, or sensitive data complies with ethical standards and has obtained necessary approvals.
    • Address any ethical concerns, including conflicts of interest, misconduct, and data fabrication or falsification, promptly and transparently.
  • Conflict of Interest Management
    • Require authors, reviewers, and editors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
    • Implement policies to manage and mitigate conflicts of interest to maintain the integrity of the review process.

4. Efficient Editorial Workflow

  • Streamlined Submission Process
    • Provide a user-friendly online submission system for authors to submit manuscripts and track their progress.
    • Conduct an initial screening to ensure submissions meet basic criteria and fit within the journal’s scope.
  • Efficient Manuscript Handling
    • Assign manuscripts to appropriate editors and reviewers promptly.
    • Monitor the progress of the review process and follow up with reviewers and authors to ensure timely completion.
  • Decision Making and Communication
    • Make editorial decisions based on a thorough evaluation of reviewers’ comments and the manuscript’s quality and relevance.
    • Communicate decisions to authors clearly and provide detailed feedback to guide revisions.

5. Continuous Improvement and Professional Development

  • Training and Development
    • Provide ongoing training for editors and reviewers to stay updated on best practices, new tools, and emerging trends in academic publishing.
    • Offer workshops, webinars, and online courses covering various aspects of the editorial process.
  • Feedback and Evaluation
    • Regularly seek feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers to improve the editorial process.
    • Conduct periodic evaluations of editorial policies and practices to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.
  • Quality Assurance
    • Maintain high standards of quality by ensuring that published content is accurate, reliable, and contributes valuable knowledge to the field.
    • Implement quality control measures at each stage of the editorial process, from submission to publication.

6. Transparency and Accountability

  • Publication of Editorial Policies
    • Make editorial policies and guidelines publicly available on the journal’s website.
    • Provide clear information about the peer review process, decision-making criteria, and ethical standards.
  • Open Access and Data Sharing
    • Encourage authors to share their data and research findings openly, promoting transparency and reproducibility.
    • Support open access publishing to increase the accessibility and impact of published research.
  • Handling Complaints and Appeals
    • Establish a clear process for handling complaints and appeals regarding editorial decisions.
    • Address complaints promptly and fairly, ensuring that all parties are heard and that decisions are made transparently.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in Humapub. We value your feedback, inquiries, and suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to us using the following contact information:

Editorial Office

For inquiries related to manuscript submissions, editorial policies, or general editorial matters, please contact our editorial office:
